“Trapper the Cyber Snoop here, Reporting from unseasonably warm, North Chili, NY. The home base, of Author Richard Nurse, and Nursesnook and Books. I thought that I would take some time while we wait for the first winter storm of the season, to bring everyone up to date.”
The boss has been busy writing and re-writing and has just completed the major project of having his already successful series “Jasper, Street-Fighter, and Me” go through an editorial assessment. The first four books of the series, which I call (Candie, Diamond, Serial, and Malice) have all been through an editorial assessment, re-written, copy edited, corrected, and a professional proofing of the final manuscript. The entire series is once again available for you the reader. The series is now longer by approximately 19,000 words, and with no added fluff. Instead, much of the fluff and filler was cut and replaced with pertinent dialogue and new intense action scenes. All of this was done while staying true to the premise of the original story. A fact that was helped immensely by being able to work with the same Editor and Copy Editor team at Story Perfect Editing Services throughout the project.
The stories remain connected by the reappearance of characters, which are becoming central to the series. But, there is another connection between episodes two and three, and three and four, for clues or teases were strengthened, giving the reader a hint about the next story in each book.
“Let be the First to say that Yes there is a now a clue in episode four for episode five, which the boss is working as you read this.” For those that love a tease, keep checking the series website for samples and updates on where the fifth book stands. http://www.jasperstreet-fighterandme.com
The rewrite of the series, while it has been a major project, is not the only thing the boss has been doing either. He has written a novel, “Love Ignited” which is going through a Beta read at present, along with attending a writing seminar called a Morning of Prompts, and has just completed a six-week course on Advanced Fiction Writing. Both of these courses were taken at Writers and Books in Rochester, New York, and he has already signed up for a course on Poetry during the month of January next year.
©November 19, 2016
Trapper the Cyber Snoop
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