Saturday, October 17, 2015

NursesnookandBooks - News Release

News Release:

Big Changes are in the wind for Author Richard Nurse

As announced on this site earlier, Author Richard Nurse has decided to reveal the pen-name he has used for a number of years.  Now Author Richard Nurse is making some more changes to his Indie Author/Publisher operations.

Effective as of October 17, 2015, Richard Nurse has changed his account to a publishers account with so as to mirror his Kindle Direct Publishing Account. The sole purpose for this change is to better manage his publications under both his pen-name and real name. 
The new publisher name is: NursesnookandBooks

Authors under this publisher name are:

1. Richard Nurse
2. The Antique Poet, Richard Nurse
3. D. D. Story
4. D. D. Story and Richard Nurse

  • Richard Nurse: Books released and or listed under the name of Richard Nurse, will have been published under the name of Richard Nurse, as the Author and publisher originally. The works included under this name will include both Novels, and Short Stories. Poetry will be excluded from this list with the exception of the book: "Words from the Heart", al other poetry will be listed as detailed in the next section.
  • Mr. Nurse, who is also frequently called "The Antique Poet", has announced that the "The Antique Poet" name will revert back to being used specifically for poetry. The poetry selected to be under this name will be deemed to be for the general public, and will have been originally published under the name of Richard Nurse and or the "The Antique Poet. Book covers and by lines will be revised to read: The Antique Poet", Richard Nurse. It may appear stacked or in a single line.
  • D. D. Story: A certain group of works written and published originally under the pen-name of D. D. Story are coming over from SQS Publishing to NursesnookandBooks. These are all works from the Suzy & Katie series, with the exception of a forever free poem "Lost in a Wistful Dream". There will be no changes to the poem, however Mr. Nurse plans to do a major re-edit and revision to the Suzy & Katie series and re-issue them under the combined name of D. D. Story and Richard Nurse. While the series is erotic in nature in its present form, Mr. Nurse feels that it can be revised into a romantic love story, suitable for a much larger audience, without losing the original concept and sharing of love and emotions that are at the heart of the series.
Watch for More New Development in this Continuing Story

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