Friday, October 11, 2024


The Bad Penny Mysteries

A Fantasy Mystery/Detective Series

Based on the case files of the Jasper, Street-Fighter, and Me Detective Agency

Take on Retired Marine Major, who was both an MP and a dog handler, and her Border Collie working dog, Jasper, who retired out with her. A team that never lost a marine during two tours in Afghanistan, thanks to Jasper’s amazing nose, and their unique ability to communicate with each other mentally. Major Maggie Mackenzie, USMC Ret. Was allowed to retire early, along with Jasper,  to care for her father who was diagnosed is ALS disease, under the caveat that she is subject to recall for special operations.

Add in a feral cat, who can communicate with Jasper mentally, and you have an amazing team, that not only can operate in total silence, but one that most would not consider 3 member team, but instead look at a Maggie and her two pets for their ability to communicate with each other is known to two other people. Not even Senior Detective James Patterson of the local police department, and Maggie’s life long friend knows of their secret.

The Bad Penny Mysteries  are based on case files from the Jasper, Street-Fighter, and Me Detective Agency. Each of the books in the series, contains at least two case files, that have been rewritten from the popular and highly rated Jasper, Street-Fighter, and Me series. The stories now include the mental communications that take place between Maggie, Jasper, and Street-Fighter, and also reveal how Jasper and Street-Fighter came to know each other, and how they finagled Street-Fighters acceptance by Maggie as a new member of not only the team but also of the family.

The team often finds themselves working with both the local police department and Senior Detective Jim Patterson, the only man that, beside her father, that Maggie, has ever let into her life, but has still never said yes to, no matter how many times he asks. The other major person in her life is her former Commanding Officer when she retired out of the Marines, Lieutenant Colonel Jill Anderson, USMCR, who regulars job is as a Senior Special Agent for the FBI, and head of the Baltimore Office. Jill is one of the two people that k’s now of her ability to communicate with Jasper. She was also responsible for coming up with the arrangements that allowed Maggie to retire out early and take Jasper with her. Their time together in the Marines, had resulted in an extremely close relationship, which they had managed to keep clandestine until after the death of Maggie’s father when Maggie and Jasper moved in with Jill, while Maggie delt with the loss of her father, with whom she had always been close.

Three months later, Maggie moved back to the house that she had grown up in, and after taking steps to ensure that her father’s business would continue to operate, she decided to open the Jasper and Me detective agency. And of course, being Marines, they had to keep Marine fit, so, Maggie and Jasper ran every morning at the running park near the university.

A location that has been the originating location for more than one of the cases included in The Bad Penny Mysteries. And speaking of the name of the revised series. It came from the fact that Maggie normally didn’t have to go out and search for jobs for her detective agency. In many cases they found her, and like a bad penny, they often included people from her past, and or people who sought to do her harm.

So, I invite you to join the growing number of fans of the Jasper, Street-Fighter, & Me team with Book 1 of The Bad Penny Mysteries, Where you will not only meet the team, but where it is revealed how Jasper and Street-Fighter met, and the ploy they used to gain Maggie’s acceptance of their unique relationship.



Friday, October 4, 2024


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Coupon is good for a limited time, so don't wait to get your copy of this gripping police drama written in an alternating viewpoint. 

Other works by Richard Nurse

  • The Bad Penny Mysteries (Book 1)
  • The Bad Penny Mysteries (Book 2)
  • Murder in St. Luitz
  • The Windy City Twins (Trish's Story)
  • The Windy City Twins (Out without a Shout)
  • Words from the Heart

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Nursesnook&books: Prayers for Trapper the Cyber Snoop

Nursesnook&books: Prayers for Trapper the Cyber Snoop: Trapper the Cyber Snoop For everyone who has read any of Trapper's blogs or smiled when you've seen his picture. My Little budd...

Prayers for Trapper the Cyber Snoop

Trapper the Cyber Snoop

For everyone who has read any of Trapper's blogs or smiled when you've seen his picture. My Little buddy needs your prayers.  He is sick and running a temp. and his sides are heaving like he is having trouble breathing. 

 He is seeing his doctor at 0930 this morning. I'll let you know how he is doing later today.

Thank You,

Trappers Human

Monday, March 18, 2019


From NursesnookandBooks



Get Book one of either the
"Jasper, Street-Fighter, and Me"
or the
"Suzy & Katie"
series for just $0.99

Thursday, November 22, 2018

New Website

"Hey, Trapper,"

"Yeah, Bossman."

"Wow, thanks for the promotion!"

"Don't let it go to your head...
I'm just makin' yah feel good,
Cuz I know you know that,
Cats rule."

"All right little buddy... I just wanted to let you know."

"I probably already know about it
but go ahead and tell me."

"We're back on the World Wide Web."

"That's cool, Do I get to tell the readers about my dad.  he is the star."

"One of the stars Trapper, don't forget about Jasper and Maggie."

"Yeah, okay, Jasper is pretty cool, for a dog...and Maggie, now she knows how to pet a kitty."

"That she does Trapper, yeah, I guess you can write a story or two."

"You might want to tell the readers the name of the site. . .giving them a link wouldn't hurt either."

"Right, as usual, little buddy. The name of the new site is NursesnookandBooks and here is the link."


Monday, October 8, 2018

Trapper's Sneak Peek from "Two Hearts Joined"

Trapper the Cyber Snoop

With a Sneak Peek from

"Two Hearts Joined"

(By the Flames of Revenge)
A Novel by Richard Nurse
With Susan Nurse

The circumstances couldn’t have been better, for the man and woman who pulled into the parking lot of an old abandoned shirt factory. The buildings of the factory were a part of what used to be the thriving downtown district of Smithville, NY and, tonight, the only nightclub in the downtown area was reopening after being closed down by the city for six months, due to too many violent incidents either inside or just outside of the club.
The occupants of the car had both just recently been released from two separate prisons, and both were in violation of their parole for multiple reasons.  They were in Smithville, and they were not allowed within the city limits, they were armed, at least the male was. They had stolen the car in Trenton, and of course, they were in the company of another convicted felon, each other
The woman sitting behind the wheel definitely showed the effects of her drug use and time in prison. A former high school homecoming queen, and mother of one daughter, she could now only be described as a hard looking woman. Her only comment as her male companion exited the car, was, “You better not fuckin miss, Jonathan.”
Jonathan Pettibone, was dressed in fatigues, but without a single badge, nametag, indication of rank, or any military insignia. He exited the car without either replying to her comment, or even a glance in her direction. As the car pulled away, he shook his head, and began to walk towards the club with a distinct limp.  This limp was not from an injury; rather it was because he had an AR-15 strapped to his right leg, under his fatigue pants. The pockets were full of what he felt was necessary to extract his revenge.
As he limped along, he thought about the woman who had just dropped him off. Danielle had violated her own parole from Albion to pick him up two weeks ago, when he had been released from Fort Leavenworth, U. S. Army Maximum Security Prison. 
They both had a single target that they wanted dead, but for two completely different reasons. Sergeant Dave Johnson, had destroyed both of their lives on a single night, sending Pettibone to Leavenworth, and Johnson’s now former wife Danielle, who was already well on her way to becoming a coke whore, firmly down that path. 
Pettibone paused before he got to the corner, and reached into the shirt pocket of his fatigues, and pulled out a pair of major’s oak leaves, and pined them onto his collar. He then added three rows of campaign ribbon’s then slipped on his fatigue’s hat. He was now ready to get into the club.
Without pausing to join the end of the line, he limped along the line, laughing to himself as person after person thanked him for his service. When he got to the front of the line he slipped the doorman a twenty, “Think that a disabled vet can get in without waiting in line man?
The doorman slipped the twenty back into Pettibone’s hand, and moved the rope aside to allow him to enter, “Enjoy yourself Major; it’s gonna be one hell of a party tonight.”